随着天气越来越冷,人们的择偶标准也会跟着气温一起下降。最近有研究表明,低温天气会让人渴望赶紧找个伴儿,不求天长地久,但求相依相伴共度眼下严冬,这种特定现象就叫做“抱抱季”(cuffing season)。

Finite relationships are beginning up and down a country as men and women prepare for what is being dubbed as "the cuffing season", a phenomenon involving lone rangers deciding to "cuff" themselves to an unwitting partner so they have someone to attend parties with and cuddle up to in winter.
Many romance experts warn that if you find yourself in a seasonal-specific relationship like this you should beware of forming attachments as come spring you may be dumped.