Premier Li Keqiang (Left) meets with Simonetta Sommaruga,
president of the Swiss Confederation, in Davos,
Switzerland, Jan 21, 2015.[Photo/english.gov.cn]
China will give Switzerland an investment quota of 50 billion yuan ($8.05 billion) under its Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (QFII) scheme to support the establishment of the Zurich offshore renminbi market, said Premier Li Keqiang during a meeting with Simonetta Sommaruga, president of the Swiss Confederation on Jan 21.
人民币离岸市场,即offshore renminbi market,指的是在中国境外的人民币市场。离岸市场提供离岸金融(offshore finance)业务。离岸(offshore)的意思是不能在本国国境内运作。人民币离岸市场是人民币国际化(internationalization of yuan)的产物。
合格境外机构投资者机制(Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors scheme),是指外国专业投资机构到境内投资的资格认定制度,旨在加速人民币资本的自由兑换(speed up the yuan's convertibility)。此次给予瑞士500亿人民币合格境外机构投资者配额将进一步支持瑞士人民币离岸市场的建立,加强中瑞金融合作(financial cooperation)。
2014年7月,中国人民银行与瑞士国家银行就签署了规模为1500亿元人民币/210亿瑞士法郎的双边本币互换协议(bilateral currency swap agreement),以为双边经贸往来提供流动性支持(provide liquidity support for bilateral trade),维护金融市场稳定。