Since the release the "Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Coloring Book" release, in 2013, it has sold about two million copies worldwide; for a time earlier this year, "Secret Garden" and a follow-up, "Enchanted Forest: An Inky Quest and Coloring Book," were the two best-selling books on Amazon.

据悉,涂色书(coloring books)的火爆在某种程度上源于社交媒体(be fuelled to some degree by social media)。一些涂色爱好者把自己的杰作发上Facebook和Pinterest等,吸引了不少粉丝。这些涂色爱好者还在社交媒体上表示,涂色可以治疗焦虑(be therapeutic ends as anxiety),还能减压放松(stress-reduction)。不过,当下成人通过一些童年时期的物件和经验(childhood objects and experiences)来怀旧也是一大风潮。

成人涂色书(coloring books for adults)已有几十年的历史了。不过最近几年的火爆令其真正形成了一个行业类型。2012年有一本名为《你与快乐只差上色: 100幅美景填色减压》(Art-thérapie: 100 coloriages anti-stress)的填色书卖出了350多万本,同年出版的Creative Haven系列在今年5月也卖出40万本。