A child watches TV. [Photo/VCG]
The National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA) is planning to limit airtime for imported television shows, and to introduce a blanket ban on foreign programs about current affairs.
意见稿指出,引进用于广播电视播出机构和网络视听节目服务单位传播的下列境外视听节目适用于本规定:境外电影、电视剧、动画片、纪录片(imported movies, TV series, animation and documentaries);教育、科技、文化、综艺、体育等其他境外视听节目(imported educational, technological, cultural, entertainment and sports television programs)。
No institution or individual is allowed to import any news program about current affairs.
意见稿规定,未经国务院广播电视主管部门批准,广播电视播出机构不得在19∶00—22∶00播出境外视听节目(broadcasters will not be allowed to air overseas audiovisual programs between 7 pm and 10 pm without approval from the regulator)。
广播电视播出机构各频道每天播出的境外电影、电视剧、动画片、纪录片和其他境外电视节目,不得超过当天该类别节目总播出时间的30%(foreign programs including films, TV shows, animation and documentaries should not exceed 30 percent of the total daily broadcast time for their specific categories)。
意见稿规定,引进、传播境外视听节目,应当有利于丰富人民群众精神文化生活(enrich people's spiritual and cultural lives),吸收世界优秀文化成果(contain global outstanding cultural achievements),促进中外文化平等交流(promote equal exchanges of Chinese and foreign cultures)。
意见稿明确,不得含有侵害未成年人合法权益或者损害未成年人身心健康的内容;不得引进、传播从事损害中国国家尊严、荣誉和利益(offend the dignity, honor and interests of China),危害社会稳定(endangering social stability ),伤害民族感情(harm national sentiment)等活动的境外组织参与制作或有上述行为的个人参加的节目。
意见稿提出,境外视听节目引进、播出单位出现违法违规行为的,广播电视主管部门可以对其法定代表人、主要负责人、总编辑进行约谈(its legal representative could be summoned and issued a warning)。国有企事业单位有关人员违反本规定的,广播电视主管部门可以向该单位提出对其依法进行处分的建议。因公共利益需要等特殊情况,国务院广播电视主管部门可以作出停止播出、更换特定境外视听节目的决定(terminate a broadcast or substitute the content)。