A poster of Operation Red Sea's film director Dante Lam [Photo/Official weibo account of Dante Lam]
Chinese blockbuster Operation Red Sea has been chosen to represent Hong Kong, China for the Best Foreign Language Film honor at the 91st Academy Awards, the film’s official Sina Weibo account announced on Monday.
《红海行动》讲述的是2015年也门内战期间( the civil war in Yemen),中国海军帮助中国公民和外国民众撤离(evacuation of Chinese citizens and foreign nationals)的故事。
A still from the film Operation Red Sea [Photo/Mtime]
这部动作大片(blockbuster action movie) 由林超贤执导,张译、黄景瑜、海清和杜江等主演,于2016年首映,共计取得36.5亿元的票房(raked in 3.65 billion yuan),是截至目前2018年中国电影的票房冠军(the country's top earner of 2018 so far),也是国内有史以来票房第二高的影片(the second highest grossing film of all time in China)。
"I'm honored that 'Operation Red Sea' has received such recognition. I would like to thank for all the supports of the film and once again thank my team members," wrote director Dante Lam in a message on his weibo account.
A still from the film Operation Red Sea [Photo/Mtime]
第91届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖礼将于2019年2月24日在美国加州洛杉矶好莱坞高地中心杜比剧院举行。据悉,参加本届奥斯卡最佳外语片角逐的亚洲影片(Asian films)还有日本是枝裕和执导的《小偷家族》(Shoplifters)、韩国的《燃烧》(Burning)、中国台湾的《大佛普拉斯》(The Great Buddha+)。另外,由法国选送的《痛苦》等来自不同国家和地区的十余部电影也陆续进入奥斯卡最佳外语片候选行列。
最佳男主角 Actor in a Leading Role
最佳女主角 Actress in a Leading Role
最佳男配角 Actor in a Supporting Role
最佳女配角 Actress in a Supporting Role
最佳影片奖 Best Picture
最佳外语片 Foreign Language Film
最佳动画电影 Animated Feature Film
最佳动画短片 Short Film (Animated)
最佳长篇纪录片 Documentary (Feature)
最佳短篇纪录片 Documentary (Short Subject)
最佳真人短片 Short Film (Live Action)
最佳导演 Directing
最佳原创剧本 Writing (Original Screenplay)
最佳改编剧本 Writing (Adapted Screenplay)