1-- Shall we get down to the problem of customs clearance now?
2-- OK. According to the terms in our contract, you have to take charge of all the stuff in customs clearance.
1-- We get it. But in this project, we have some difficulty and obstacle in clearing customs.
2-- If so, we can have a discussion so as to have the problem solved.
1-- Thanks for your understanding. As you know, we are not quite familiar with the procedures of customs clearance here and this will waste a lot of time and energy. And I believe you can see that the low efficiency due to the unfamiliarity will lead to the loss to both sides.
2-- That's true. What can we do to help?
1-- We're grateful that you said that. Would you please assign someone who is familiar with the clearing procedure to work it out together with us?
2-- All right. Sounds acceptable. Let's do it.
1-- Thanks.
1.customs clearance通关
1-- 我们谈一谈通关的问题吧。
2-- 好的。根据合同,通关事宜是由你方负责。
1-- 我们知道。但是在这项工程上,我们在通关问题上有一些困难和障碍。
2-- 如果这样的话我们可以讨论与一下该如何来解决这个问题。
1-- 非常感谢您的通情达理。你们也知道,我们对这里的通关手续不是很了解,因此也就会造成大量时间和精力的浪费。我想你方也知道这样的低效率会造成我们双方的损失。
2-- 确实是这样。我们能帮上什么忙?
1-- 非常感谢您能这样。你方可不可以派一个熟悉通关手续的员工来帮忙我们共同完成通关手续呢?
2-- 可以,能够接受。那就这样办吧。
1-- 非常感谢。
2-- OK. According to the terms in our contract, you have to take charge of all the stuff in customs clearance.
1-- We get it. But in this project, we have some difficulty and obstacle in clearing customs.
2-- If so, we can have a discussion so as to have the problem solved.
1-- Thanks for your understanding. As you know, we are not quite familiar with the procedures of customs clearance here and this will waste a lot of time and energy. And I believe you can see that the low efficiency due to the unfamiliarity will lead to the loss to both sides.
2-- That's true. What can we do to help?
1-- We're grateful that you said that. Would you please assign someone who is familiar with the clearing procedure to work it out together with us?
2-- All right. Sounds acceptable. Let's do it.
1-- Thanks.
1.customs clearance通关
1-- 我们谈一谈通关的问题吧。
2-- 好的。根据合同,通关事宜是由你方负责。
1-- 我们知道。但是在这项工程上,我们在通关问题上有一些困难和障碍。
2-- 如果这样的话我们可以讨论与一下该如何来解决这个问题。
1-- 非常感谢您的通情达理。你们也知道,我们对这里的通关手续不是很了解,因此也就会造成大量时间和精力的浪费。我想你方也知道这样的低效率会造成我们双方的损失。
2-- 确实是这样。我们能帮上什么忙?
1-- 非常感谢您能这样。你方可不可以派一个熟悉通关手续的员工来帮忙我们共同完成通关手续呢?
2-- 可以,能够接受。那就这样办吧。
1-- 非常感谢。