1-- Remember the rules, no drinking, no puking, out of here by 9:45. I'll be watching, and I will nark.
2-- I don't see Ashley.
3-- Or Amanda.
2-- Should have known... it was too good to be true. Ho... There she is.
4-- Hi, Josh.
2-- Ashley! Hey.
4-- I'm so glad you made it. I don't know anyone here. Come on.
1.no puking不要吐
3.too good to be true 好得难以置信
1-- 记住规矩,不要喝酒,不要呕吐,9点45分前离开这里。我会盯着你们的,而且我会告诉爸妈的。
2-- 我没看到Ashley。
3-- 我也美看到 Amanda。
2-- 我早该知道,哪有那么好的事。哦,她在那里。
4-- 嘿,Josh。
2-- 嘿,Ashley!
4-- 我很高兴你能来。我这里谁也不认识。过来。
2-- I don't see Ashley.
3-- Or Amanda.
2-- Should have known... it was too good to be true. Ho... There she is.
4-- Hi, Josh.
2-- Ashley! Hey.
4-- I'm so glad you made it. I don't know anyone here. Come on.
1.no puking不要吐
3.too good to be true 好得难以置信
1-- 记住规矩,不要喝酒,不要呕吐,9点45分前离开这里。我会盯着你们的,而且我会告诉爸妈的。
2-- 我没看到Ashley。
3-- 我也美看到 Amanda。
2-- 我早该知道,哪有那么好的事。哦,她在那里。
4-- 嘿,Josh。
2-- 嘿,Ashley!
4-- 我很高兴你能来。我这里谁也不认识。过来。