1-- How are you?
2-- I am doing well.
1-- Did you need us to move something for you?
2-- That’s exactly what I’m calling about.
1-- What exactly do you need moved?
2-- All my furniture needs to be moved.
1-- Where will we be moving your furniture from?
2-- I need it moved from my apartment.
1-- Where would you like us to move the furniture to?
2-- I need the furniture moved to my new house.
1-- All I need is a little more information, and we’ll take care of the rest.
2-- Sounds great. I’m glad you could help me.
3.Sounds great听起来好极了
1-- 你好吗?
2-- 我过得很好。
1-- 你需要我们帮你搬东西吗?
2-- 这正是我打电话的目的。
1-- 你到底需要搬什么?
2-- 我所有的家具都需要搬走。
1-- 我们将把你的家具从哪里搬来?
2-- 我需要把它从我的公寓搬走。
1-- 你想让我们把家具搬到哪里?
2-- 我需要把家具搬到我的新房子里。
1-- 我只需要多一点信息,剩下的我们会处理的。
2-- 听起来不错。我很高兴你能帮我。
2-- I am doing well.
1-- Did you need us to move something for you?
2-- That’s exactly what I’m calling about.
1-- What exactly do you need moved?
2-- All my furniture needs to be moved.
1-- Where will we be moving your furniture from?
2-- I need it moved from my apartment.
1-- Where would you like us to move the furniture to?
2-- I need the furniture moved to my new house.
1-- All I need is a little more information, and we’ll take care of the rest.
2-- Sounds great. I’m glad you could help me.
3.Sounds great听起来好极了
1-- 你好吗?
2-- 我过得很好。
1-- 你需要我们帮你搬东西吗?
2-- 这正是我打电话的目的。
1-- 你到底需要搬什么?
2-- 我所有的家具都需要搬走。
1-- 我们将把你的家具从哪里搬来?
2-- 我需要把它从我的公寓搬走。
1-- 你想让我们把家具搬到哪里?
2-- 我需要把家具搬到我的新房子里。
1-- 我只需要多一点信息,剩下的我们会处理的。
2-- 听起来不错。我很高兴你能帮我。