1-- John speaking.
2-- John, my name is Terry Evans. I have good news for you.
1-- I'm all ears. What is it?
2-- Your rental application has been approved. The owner thinks you'll be an excellent tenant.
1-- Oh, that's so good. It makes my day.
2-- Now, before you move in, you have to pay some fees.
1-- Fees, what are you talking about?
2-- You know--first and last month's rent, and the security deposit.
1-- Oh, of course. When you said fees, I was thinking of parking fees or something.
2-- That will come to $3,500—$2,500 plus $1,000. You can send me the check.
1-- I'll do that immediately. Where do I send it?
2-- Mail it to 3035 E Foothill Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91107.
1-- One more question. When can I move in?
2-- You can move in on the first. Stop by here and pick up your keys.
1-- Great! What's your phone number?
2-- My number is 626-555-3000.
1.rental application租房申请
1-- 我是约翰。
2-- 约翰,我叫特里·埃文斯。我有个好消息要告诉你。
1-- 我洗耳恭听。它是什么?
2-- 您的租房申请已获批准。业主认为你会成为一个优秀的租客。
1-- 哦,太好了。这是我的一天。
2-- 现在,在你搬进来之前,你必须支付一些费用。
1-- 费用,你在说什么?
2-- 你知道,第一个月和上个月的房租,还有保证金。
1-- 哦,当然。你说收费的时候,我想的是停车费之类的。
2-- 这将达到3500美元——2500美元加上1000美元。你可以把支票寄给我。
1-- 我会立刻做的。我该把它寄到哪里?
2-- 邮寄至3035 E Foothill Blvd,Pasadena,CA 91107。
1-- 还有一个问题。我什么时候可以搬进来?
2-- 你可以先进去。到这儿来取钥匙。
1-- 太棒了!你的电话号码是多少?
2-- 我的电话号码是626-555-3000。
2-- John, my name is Terry Evans. I have good news for you.
1-- I'm all ears. What is it?
2-- Your rental application has been approved. The owner thinks you'll be an excellent tenant.
1-- Oh, that's so good. It makes my day.
2-- Now, before you move in, you have to pay some fees.
1-- Fees, what are you talking about?
2-- You know--first and last month's rent, and the security deposit.
1-- Oh, of course. When you said fees, I was thinking of parking fees or something.
2-- That will come to $3,500—$2,500 plus $1,000. You can send me the check.
1-- I'll do that immediately. Where do I send it?
2-- Mail it to 3035 E Foothill Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91107.
1-- One more question. When can I move in?
2-- You can move in on the first. Stop by here and pick up your keys.
1-- Great! What's your phone number?
2-- My number is 626-555-3000.
1.rental application租房申请
1-- 我是约翰。
2-- 约翰,我叫特里·埃文斯。我有个好消息要告诉你。
1-- 我洗耳恭听。它是什么?
2-- 您的租房申请已获批准。业主认为你会成为一个优秀的租客。
1-- 哦,太好了。这是我的一天。
2-- 现在,在你搬进来之前,你必须支付一些费用。
1-- 费用,你在说什么?
2-- 你知道,第一个月和上个月的房租,还有保证金。
1-- 哦,当然。你说收费的时候,我想的是停车费之类的。
2-- 这将达到3500美元——2500美元加上1000美元。你可以把支票寄给我。
1-- 我会立刻做的。我该把它寄到哪里?
2-- 邮寄至3035 E Foothill Blvd,Pasadena,CA 91107。
1-- 还有一个问题。我什么时候可以搬进来?
2-- 你可以先进去。到这儿来取钥匙。
1-- 太棒了!你的电话号码是多少?
2-- 我的电话号码是626-555-3000。