1-- Hello, I have to see the doctor right now!
2-- What makes you feel this is an emergency?
1-- I feel like I can’t breathe well.
2-- How long has this been going on?
1-- It started last night.
2-- In the event of a real emergency, please dial 911.
1-- I know that I can dial 911, but I just want to go to the doctor now.
2-- In that case, can you come to our Urgent Care facility on Sunset Blvd.?
1-- My family can bring me to Urgent Care.
2-- Come in right away, and they will see you as soon as possible.
1.right now现在
3.as soon as possible尽快
1-- 你好,我现在必须去看医生!
2-- 是什么让你觉得这是紧急情况?
1-- 我觉得我呼吸不好。
2-- 这种情况持续了多久?
1-- 它是昨晚开始的。
2-- 如果真的发生紧急情况,请拨打911。
1-- 我知道我可以拨打911,但我现在只想去看医生。
2-- 在这种情况下,你能来我们位于日落大道的紧急护理机构吗?
1-- 我的家人可以带我去急诊室。
2-- 马上进来,他们会尽快见到你的。
2-- What makes you feel this is an emergency?
1-- I feel like I can’t breathe well.
2-- How long has this been going on?
1-- It started last night.
2-- In the event of a real emergency, please dial 911.
1-- I know that I can dial 911, but I just want to go to the doctor now.
2-- In that case, can you come to our Urgent Care facility on Sunset Blvd.?
1-- My family can bring me to Urgent Care.
2-- Come in right away, and they will see you as soon as possible.
1.right now现在
3.as soon as possible尽快
1-- 你好,我现在必须去看医生!
2-- 是什么让你觉得这是紧急情况?
1-- 我觉得我呼吸不好。
2-- 这种情况持续了多久?
1-- 它是昨晚开始的。
2-- 如果真的发生紧急情况,请拨打911。
1-- 我知道我可以拨打911,但我现在只想去看医生。
2-- 在这种情况下,你能来我们位于日落大道的紧急护理机构吗?
1-- 我的家人可以带我去急诊室。
2-- 马上进来,他们会尽快见到你的。