地道美语听力播客:A Trip to New York City
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    (The phone rings.)
    Lucy: Hello.
    Jeff: Hey
    Lucy, it's Jeff.
    Lucy: Hey, welcome back. How was your vacation?
    Jeff: Oh, it was great. The seven days in New York was a blast .
    Lucy: Oh, yeah? Did you do any sightseeing or just visit with friends?
    Jeff: I got to do both, actually. First, I saw my friend Edmundo who just moved there. He hadn't seen much of the city himself so we went to all the tourist spots. We got a guidebookand went to the major museums , saw a play , went to a concert in Central Park , and took the Staten Island Ferry. We did all of that in a day and a half. It was a whirlwind , but we got to see a lot.
    Lucy: A day and a half?! You guys must have been exhausted .
    Jeff: Yeah, we were. But, the rest of my trip was pretty low key . My friends Pat and Billierented a car and we took a road trip to Upstate New York to visit some other friends of ours.
    Lucy: Did you have to stay over in a hotel along the way, or did you drive straight through?
    Jeff: We didn't bother with booking hotel rooms so we just drove straight there. It wasn't that far.
    Lucy: How long did you stay there?
    Jeff: We were only there two days and we drove back and got back last night. My flight was this morning at 8 a.m. The worst part of the whole trip was that my flight was cancelled . I wasrebooked onto another flight that had a three-hour layover in Chicago. That was a major pain .
    Lucy: It sounds like it. Well, I'm glad you made it back okay. And, you even have the weekend to rest up before work on Monday.
    Jeff: Yeah, I'll need it. I've got to catch up on my sleep !
    Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
      上一篇:地道美语听力播客:Taking Credit 下一篇:地道美语听力播客:At the Movies

