地道美语听力播客:Cashing a Check
教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:2240  
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    The local branch of my bank is located just a few blocks from where I live. It's veryconvenient, since it has four ATMs open 24/7 . Today I had to go in to make a deposit , but since I wanted to cash a check as well, I needed to go inside to talk to a teller .
    Inside the bank, I got in line for the tellers. All the tellers are behind a large piece ofbulletproof glass , so you have to speak up when you are talking to them. Anyway, when I got to the head of the line, the cashier said, " How may I help you ?" "Well," I said, "I'd like to deposit this payroll check into my checking account , and cash this cashier's check ." "Certainly," she said, "just endorse the back of both checks and put them in the tray." "Sure. And, I can get that in small bills--10s and 20s ?" I waited for her to process my checks. Then she said, " Here you are ," and counted out the cash and put it in an envelope. I said, "Thank you!" and walked away . Now that I have some money burning a hole in my pocket, I guess I better spend it!
    Script by Dr. Jeff McQuillan
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