I'm the first to admit that I'm hooked on reading magazines. I've been this way as long as I can remember . I love picking up magazines about different topics. Currently, I subscribe to about six or seven magazines, although when I was getting professional journals during my days at the university, I probably had 15 or 20 coming to my box every month. Now I read mostly for pleasure . I like to read the New Yorker, because it is so well-written . I also get a copy of Atlantic Monthly and Harpers every month, because they have good coverage of cultural, political, and social issues. My latest is to read book reviews . There are a couple of really good book reviews published in the U.S., including the New York Review of Books. But the best reviews for my money are the Times Literary Supplement and the London Review of Books, both of which come out of England. I have to thank my friend Gustavo for turning me on to those two. I prefer to read the non-fiction reviews over the fiction ones, but that's me. Ah, the joys of reading!
Script by Dr. Jeff McQuillan
Script by Dr. Jeff McQuillan