地道美语听力播客:Calling Tech Support寻求技术支持
教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:1949  
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    I recently signed up for a new ISP for my office, using DSL . I managed to get the modem and the router configured properly, but now my email won't work. I dug out the manual that came with the modem and called the toll-free line for technical support . I'm not a big fan of most IT departments, but if something doesn't work, they're the only game in town.
    I explained to the tech support person that I couldn't get my email to send or receive. He asked me if I had checked the Ethernet connection from the modem to the router, and I said I did. Then he asked if I had run any diagnostics on the email software, and if I was able toconnect to the web . I said no to both of these questions. He told me he would submit a ticket and have the problem escalated to the next level. Someone should be calling me back, he said.
    I won't hold my breath!
    Script by Dr. Jeff McQuillan
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