地道美语听力播客:Taking Pictures摄影
教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:1739  
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    My nephew's wedding is coming up this Saturday, and I thought it would be nice to take somecandids for the happy couple . My wife, who's the photographer in the family, wasn't around today, so I decided to strike out on my own and head off to the camera shop. I love to shop for new gadgets .
    When I got to the store. I was blown away by all the options I had! There were disposablecameras, digital cameras, cameras combined with camcorders - it was making my head spin. I finally asked one of the sales clerks what he would recommend.
    "It depends if you want a point-and-shoot type, or are looking for something more fancy ," he said.
    "I'm looking for something that will take a good shot and not be too complicated to operate," I replied.
    "Well, this one here has a built-in flash and takes good pictures. When you've finishedshooting the roll , just bring it in and we'll develop them for you.‚"
    "Do you make enlargements of the prints if I'm interested in doing that?‚"
    "Sure," he said, "we can do 4 x 6 or 8 x 10 glossies , if you'd like.‚"
    I decided to go with the camera he recommended. Now all I have to do is justify the new camera to my wife.
    Script by Dr. Jeff McQuillan
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