Adam: With our expansion into these new areas of business, I think we need to think seriously about changing our corporate image . We’re much more than just a paper company now.
Eva: I think you’re right. Our brand has changed, and if we want to keep brand loyalty , we need to think about protecting and improving our product image .
Adam: I agree that that’s a key issue as we reposition ourselves in the industry. We can neverlose sight of our end- users .
Eva: And, even though we have registered trademarks on some of the new prestigeproducts, we need to have a plan if we want to turn these new products into household names .
Adam: I suggest we think about hiring a public relations firm. They may be able to help usupdate our corporate image and logo , and to shape our new corporate identity .
Eva: Why don’t I contact a few PR firms and set up some meetings?
Adam: Yes, do that. That seems like the logical next step .
Eva: I think you’re right. Our brand has changed, and if we want to keep brand loyalty , we need to think about protecting and improving our product image .
Adam: I agree that that’s a key issue as we reposition ourselves in the industry. We can neverlose sight of our end- users .
Eva: And, even though we have registered trademarks on some of the new prestigeproducts, we need to have a plan if we want to turn these new products into household names .
Adam: I suggest we think about hiring a public relations firm. They may be able to help usupdate our corporate image and logo , and to shape our new corporate identity .
Eva: Why don’t I contact a few PR firms and set up some meetings?
Adam: Yes, do that. That seems like the logical next step .