地道美语听力播客:Asking for Recommendations征求建议
教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:812  
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    Hotel Clerk: Can I help you with something?
    Victor: Yes, I was hoping you could recommend a restaurant nearby.
    Clerk: What kind of food would you like?
    Victor: I’m not picky . I’m looking for something moderately priced that’s within walking distance .
    Clerk: There’s a good seafood restaurant called “Galeno’s” about two blocks away. Would you like me to make a reservation for you?
    Victor: Thanks, but that won’t be necessary. I need to check with my guest before deciding.By the way , I’ll be in town for four days, and I’d like to see the sights .
    Clerk: Is this your first time here?
    Victor: Yes, it is.
    Clerk: Then, I’d suggest seeing our museums and the botanical gardens , and don’t missthe shopping district near downtown.
    Victor: Can I get there on foot ?
    Clerk: I’m afraid not. You can take a taxi or a bus. We have a very good bus system . The other option is to take a tour. There are several tour companies that have day tours leaving from this hotel. Help yourself to their brochures. They’re over there.
    Victor: Do you have a map showing where those sights are?
    Clerk: Sure. Here you are. Is there anything else I can help you with?
    Victor: No, that’s all. You’ve been a big help. Thanks.
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