地道美语听力播客:Cheating on a Test考试作弊
教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:1518  
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    Oscar: What are you doing?
    Elena: I’m getting ready for the test.
    Oscar: By writing the answers on a cheat sheet ? You’re not going to get away with that.
    Elena: I got a “D” on the last test and I have to do better on this one. If I don’t get at least a “B,” I’m going to flunk this class.
    Oscar: You’re taking a big risk . You could get suspended or expelled !
    Elena: I know, but my final grade is on the line . And plus, I think that the worst that could happen is that I get an automatic F on the test. It’s not like I’m stealing a copy of the test orplagiarizing on an important assignment.
    Oscar: Still, there’s no telling what Mr. McQuillan will do to you if he finds out . I’d let youcopy off my test if I thought we could get away with it, but he always keeps a close eye onus during tests. That’s why I think you’re going to get caught .
    Elena: It’s not like I have any choice, do I? It’s either cheating or going to summer school .
    Oscar: I still think it’s a bad idea.
    Elena: Then, just don’t think about it. Let me worry about it, okay?
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