地道美语听力播客:A Soccer Match
教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:1191  
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    Shandy: Oh, that player just hit my boyfriend! Did you see that? That was definitely a penalty .
    Giuseppe: No, I didn’t. I was watching the goalie . The referee isn’t doing anything.
    Shandy: I can’t believe it. Why isn’t the coach talking to that referee? I’m sure the other player deliberately kicked Fabio with his cleats .
    Giuseppe: Hey, look! Fabio has the ball and he’s taking it all the way down the field . He shoots, he scores ! That’s his second goal of the game. He’s going to win the game for the team.
    Shandy: What’s he doing now? Why is he on the ground? Is he hurt?
    Giuseppe: I don’t know. The trainer is helping him off the field. It doesn’t look serious.
    Shandy: That’s good, but he hates sitting on the bench . He won’t want to watch the rest of the match from the sidelines .
    Giuseppe: Look at the stands over there!
    Shandy: What’s happening? Why are they all standing up? Oh, they’re starting a wave . I thought for a minute that the fans were getting into a brawl .
    Giuseppe: It’s coming this way.
    Shandy: Okay, here we go!
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