One of the things I like to do on the weekends is go to garage sales. I’m a bargain hunter andcollector , so garage sales are good places for me. I look in the newspapers or just followhomemade signs to find the sales in my neighborhood. Whether it’s because people are doingspring cleaning or getting ready to move, there are always plenty of sales in my area.
After going to a lot of garage sales, I’ve learned a few things about getting what I want at the price I want. Bargaining on price is par for the course at any garage sale. If you don’t wantto get ripped off , you’ll try to get the sellers to lower their price. I’m an early bird and I usually get to the sales before other people to get the best items. But to get the best prices, be sure to go back right before the sale ends.
Most people are desperate to sell so that they don’t have to store those things again or to lugthem to a charity office to give them away . That’s when people are ready to slash their prices . It’s true that there is a lot of junk and knickknacks at garage sales. But one person’strash is another person’s treasure !
After going to a lot of garage sales, I’ve learned a few things about getting what I want at the price I want. Bargaining on price is par for the course at any garage sale. If you don’t wantto get ripped off , you’ll try to get the sellers to lower their price. I’m an early bird and I usually get to the sales before other people to get the best items. But to get the best prices, be sure to go back right before the sale ends.
Most people are desperate to sell so that they don’t have to store those things again or to lugthem to a charity office to give them away . That’s when people are ready to slash their prices . It’s true that there is a lot of junk and knickknacks at garage sales. But one person’strash is another person’s treasure !