Jeannie: Have you heard about the new management dispute ?
Salih: No, what’s happening?
Jeannie: Well, the CEO is having problems with the head of one of the subsidiaries .
Salih: Which one?
Jeannie: Lance Publishing. Apparently, the head, Bill Riker, is saying that he and the CEO differ too much in their business philosophy and they can’t agree on a future direction for the company.
Salih: I really hope they can settle their dispute soon. It doesn’t do anybody any good to have so much hostility in the office.
Jeannie: I hope so, too. This company can’t afford to have another high-level departure . We’ve lost so many good people already this past year.
Salih: We’ve had a lot of bad press , that’s for sure. It doesn’t matter that our employment contracts have confidentiality agreements . When somebody is disgruntled , they talk, and they talk loudly and to whomever will listen.
Jeannie: You’ve got that right. I just hope none of us gets caught in the crossfire . I deal with people at Lance Publishing every week.
Salih: I’m with you. I’m keeping a low profile and hoping that the whole thing will blow over soon. What the CEO and the head of Lance Publishing need is a good mediator who can find some way for two incompatible personalities to meet in the middle .
Jeannie: What do you think the chances are of that happening?
Salih: Quite frankly, knowing the people involved, I think it has a snowball’s chance in hell !
Salih: No, what’s happening?
Jeannie: Well, the CEO is having problems with the head of one of the subsidiaries .
Salih: Which one?
Jeannie: Lance Publishing. Apparently, the head, Bill Riker, is saying that he and the CEO differ too much in their business philosophy and they can’t agree on a future direction for the company.
Salih: I really hope they can settle their dispute soon. It doesn’t do anybody any good to have so much hostility in the office.
Jeannie: I hope so, too. This company can’t afford to have another high-level departure . We’ve lost so many good people already this past year.
Salih: We’ve had a lot of bad press , that’s for sure. It doesn’t matter that our employment contracts have confidentiality agreements . When somebody is disgruntled , they talk, and they talk loudly and to whomever will listen.
Jeannie: You’ve got that right. I just hope none of us gets caught in the crossfire . I deal with people at Lance Publishing every week.
Salih: I’m with you. I’m keeping a low profile and hoping that the whole thing will blow over soon. What the CEO and the head of Lance Publishing need is a good mediator who can find some way for two incompatible personalities to meet in the middle .
Jeannie: What do you think the chances are of that happening?
Salih: Quite frankly, knowing the people involved, I think it has a snowball’s chance in hell !