Walt: What’s the matter with you?
Irene: I have a bad cold .
Walt: Why didn’t you stay home from work? You’re probably contagious !
Irene: I had no choice. I have an important presentation this afternoon and I can’t play hooky.
Walt: You can’t give a presentation in your condition. Your nose is running , your eyes are red and puffy , your voice is hoarse , and you look like you’re running a fever .
Irene: Gee, thanks. I know I look terrible, but I’ll get through it. I’m taking a nasal decongestant , I’m using eye drops , and I’m taking cough medicine and sucking on throat lozenges . I should be better by the time of the presentation. Ahchoo!
Walt: Oh, geez! You just sneezed all over me. You’ve contaminated me for sure!
Irene: Sorry. Where’s the Kleenex ? I need to blow my nose .
Walt: I’m out of here! You’re a walking germ machine.
Irene: I have a bad cold .
Walt: Why didn’t you stay home from work? You’re probably contagious !
Irene: I had no choice. I have an important presentation this afternoon and I can’t play hooky.
Walt: You can’t give a presentation in your condition. Your nose is running , your eyes are red and puffy , your voice is hoarse , and you look like you’re running a fever .
Irene: Gee, thanks. I know I look terrible, but I’ll get through it. I’m taking a nasal decongestant , I’m using eye drops , and I’m taking cough medicine and sucking on throat lozenges . I should be better by the time of the presentation. Ahchoo!
Walt: Oh, geez! You just sneezed all over me. You’ve contaminated me for sure!
Irene: Sorry. Where’s the Kleenex ? I need to blow my nose .
Walt: I’m out of here! You’re a walking germ machine.