Kurt: Oh, I liked it well enough.
Maggie: Wow, that’s a glowing recommendation.
Kurt: Well, it started off with a bang and thesuspense in the first half was great. I couldn’t put itdown. Then, the pace changed in the second half and it was an effort to finish it.
Maggie: Really? I read it a few months ago and I loved it. I thought the characterization wasreally good. I could really relate to the two main characters.
Kurt: Yeah, that’s true enough, but the plot dragged, don’t you think? The author justcouldn’t pull it off and the ending was laughable.
Maggie: I really liked the ending! I can’t wait for the sequel.
Kurt: Well, that makes one of us.
well enough 还好, 还可以
glowing adj.热情的, 强烈的
recommendation n. 推荐
start off 开始
bang n.巨响, 重击
suspense n.悬疑, 悬念
couldn’t put it down无法放下,表示十分喜欢
pace n.步调
characterization 性格描述
relate to 联系到
plot dragged 情节拖沓
pull off (成功地)完成
laughable adj. 可笑的
sequel n.续篇