教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:491  
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    Mohsen: I need to get off this island. I’m getting island fever.

    Ella: We’ve only been here two days. Give it a chance. We’re here to enjoy a slower pace of life, remember?

    Mohsen: When you said we were going on an island vacation, I didn’t know we’d be so isolated. There isn’t a living soul within five miles!

    Ella: This isn’t isolated; it’s secluded. We have privacy and serenity. Isn’t that what we wanted?

    Mohsen: I wanted a vacation with all of the creature comforts.

    Ella: That’s what we have, don’t you think? We’re staying in a very nice house.

    Mohsen: Yes, but what about the creature comforts? I have no Internet access and no cell phone service. This is what I call roughing it.

    Ella: We agreed that we both needed a little time away to unwind. The whole point of this vacation is for us to relax.

    Mohsen: I’m cut off from civilization and I have no access to email and my favorite websites. What could be more stressful than this?!

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