教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:645  
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    Jim: I shouldn't have let my brother pack my supplies for this trip. I was running late and he offered to do it.


    Fumiko: What's the problem?


    Jim: He doesn't know the first thing about hiking or camping. Look at this! My backpack is filled with bottles of water!


    Fumiko: What's wrong with that?


    Jim: He should have just packed me a water filter, instead of all these heavy bottles to lug around. And he forgot some of the most important supplies, like bug spray and a flashlight.


    Fumiko: You're welcome to borrow any of our supplies. Here's some bug spray. Do you need matches?


    Jim: Yeah, I do. My brother packed matches, but not in a waterproof bag. One of the bottles of water leaked and got them all wet. At least my tent and cook stove were spared.


    Fumiko: Maybe your brother is telling you something.


    Jim: What?


    Fumiko: Maybe he wants to be included in your camping trips. Then, he'll learn what to do and what to bring.


    Jim: You might have something there.



    Jim:I shouldn't have let my brother pack my supplies for this trip. I was running late and he offered to do it.

    Fumiko:What's the problem?

    Jim:He doesn't know the first thing about hiking or camping. Look at this! My backpack is filled with bottles of water!

    Fumiko:What's wrong with that?

    Jim:He should have just packed me a water filter, instead of all these heavy bottles to lug around. And he forgot some of the most important supplies, like bug spray and a flashlight.

    Fumiko:You're welcome to borrow any of our supplies. Here's some bug spray. Do you need matches?

    Jim:Yeah, I do. My brother packed matches, but not in a waterproof bag. One of the bottles of water leaked and got them all wet. At least my tent and cook stove were spared.

    Fumiko:Maybe your brother is telling you something.


    Fumiko:Maybe he wants to be included in your camping trips. Then, he'll learn what to do and what to bring.

    Jim:You might have something there.

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客585:吵架后和好 下一篇:地道美语听力播客587:比赛排名

