教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:651  
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    George: Whoa, what happened?
    Inga: The lights went out. Did we blow a fuse, or is this a blackout?
    George: Well, I don’t see any lights on in any of the houses down the street. It’s pitch black out there.
    Inga: So it’s another power outage. Somehow the circuits got overloaded again. I wonder how long we’ll have to do without electricity this time.
    George: I wonder if it’s our power grid or if this is a citywide blackout. All right, we’d better light a few candles. There’s no telling how long this will last.
    Inga: No, it’s not like last summer when we had rolling blackouts because of the surge in demand due to the heat. Do you remember how we passed those hours of darkness?
    George: Yes, I do. What are you suggesting?
    Inga: I’m just saying that there’s no reason to waste a perfectly good blackout.


    George: Whoa, what happened?

    Inga: The lights went out. Did we blow a fuse, or is this a blackout?

    George: Well, I don’t see any lights on in any of the houses down the street. It’s pitch black out there.

    Inga: So it’s another power outage. Somehow the circuits got overloaded again. I wonder how long we’ll have to do without electricity this time.

    George: I wonder if it’s our power grid or if this is a citywide blackout. All right, we’d better light a few candles. There’s no telling how long this will last.

    Inga: No, it’s not like last summer when we had rolling blackouts because of the surge in demand due to the heat. Do you remember how we passed those hours of darkness?

    George: Yes, I do. What are you suggesting?

    Inga: I’m just saying that there’s no reason to waste a perfectly good blackout.

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客646: 献血(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客648:讨价还价(双语)

