教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:705  
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    Bank Teller: Can I help you?


    Antonio: Yes, I’d like to deposit this check.


    Bank Teller: Please fill out a deposit slip and be sure to endorse the check on the back.


    Antonio: Here you are. I’ve already filled out a slip and signed the check. I’d also like to cash this other check.


    Bank Teller: Sure, I can help you with that. Here you are. Here’s a receipt for your deposit and I’ve cashed your check. Let me count out your $100: 20, 40, 60, 80, 100.


    Antonio: Thanks. Could I also check my bank balance for my other account?


    Bank Teller: No problem. You just have to swipe your ATM card and enter your PIN. It looks like you have a balance of $1,752. Will that be all?


    Antonio: Oh, I have that much? I’d like to withdraw $80.


    Bank Teller: All right. You’ll need to fill out a withdrawal slip. Why don’t you step aside while you do that so I can help the next customer, and when you’re done, come back to this window and I’ll help you.


    Antonio: Okay, I’ll do that. And if I want to transfer money between accounts?


    Bank Teller: You’ll need to fill out a withdrawal slip for the first account and a deposit slip for the second.


    Antonio: Got it. This might take a while.


    Bank Teller: No problem, sir. We’re here all day – at least until 5:00.



    Bank Teller: Can I help you?

    Antonio: Yes, I’d like to deposit this check.

    Bank Teller: Please fill out a deposit slip and be sure to endorse the check on the back.

    Antonio: Here you are. I’ve already filled out a slip and signed the check. I’d also like to cash this other check.

    Bank Teller: Sure, I can help you with that. Here you are. Here’s a receipt for your deposit and I’ve cashed your check. Let me count out your $100: 20, 40, 60, 80, 100.

    Antonio: Thanks. Could I also check my bank balance for my other account?

    Bank Teller: No problem. You just have to swipe your ATM card and enter your PIN. It looks like you have a balance of $1,752. Will that be all?

    Antonio: Oh, I have that much? I’d like to withdraw $80.

    Bank Teller: All right. You’ll need to fill out a withdrawal slip. Why don’t you step aside while you do that so I can help the next customer, and when you’re done, come back to this window and I’ll help you.

    Antonio: Okay, I’ll do that. And if I want to transfer money between accounts?

    Bank Teller: You’ll need to fill out a withdrawal slip for the first account and a deposit slip for the second.

    Antonio: Got it. This might take awhile.

    Bank Teller: No problem, sir. We’re here all day – at least until 5:00.

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客674:照看任性的孩子(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客676: 开过测速区(双语)

