地道美语听力播客697: 想要安静(双语)
教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:626  
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    After three days of travel and meetings, I returned to my hotel room ready for some downtime. All I wanted was some peace and quiet so I could get a good night’s sleep.



    [phone rings] Carl: Hello.

    [电话铃响] 卡尔:你好!

    Hotel staff: Hello, Mr. Mendez. I’m calling to welcome you to our hotel. I hope you’re finding everything to your satisfaction.


    Carl: Yes, yes. Everything’s fine. I just want to get some rest right now.


    Hotel staff: Of course, Mr. Mendez. If there’s anything we can do for you, don’t hesitate to ask.



    I hung up the phone and turned off the ringer. I didn’t want any more unsolicited phone calls. But then, there was a knock on the door.



    Hotel staff: Hello, sir. I’m here to turn down your bed. May I come in?


    Carl: I don’t need the bed turned down, thanks.



    Before I closed the door, I put the do-not- disturb sign on my door. I wanted no more interruptions.


    All of a sudden, a loud alarm went off. I opened my door and a hotel employee was explaining that there was a small fire in the kitchen and that the guests were being evacuated. We would have to leave the building immediately.


    I left my hotel room and wondered if there was a vast conspiracy to rob me of my sleep or if I’m just the unluckiest guy in the world!



    After three days of travel and meetings, I returned to my hotel room ready for some downtime. All I wanted was some peace and quiet so I could get a good night’s sleep.


    [phone rings] Carl: Hello.

    Hotel staff: Hello, Mr. Mendez. I’m calling to welcome you to our hotel. I hope you’re finding everything to your satisfaction.

    Carl: Yes, yes. Everything’s fine. I just want to get some rest right now.

    Hotel staff: Of course, Mr. Mendez. If there’s anything we can do for you, don’t hesitate to ask.


    I hung up the phone and turned off the ringer. I didn’t want any more unsolicited phone calls. But then, there was a knock on the door.


    Hotel staff: Hello, sir. I’m here to turn down your bed. May I come in?

    Carl: I don’t need the bed turned down, thanks.


    Before I closed the door, I put the do-not- disturb sign on my door. I wanted no more interruptions.

    All of a sudden, a loud alarm went off. I opened my door and a hotel employee was explaining that there was a small fire in the kitchen and that the guests were being evacuated. We would have to leave the building immediately.

    I left my hotel room and wondered if there was a vast conspiracy to rob me of my sleep or if I’m just the unluckiest guy in the world!

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客696: 晕动病(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客698: 学识乐谱(双语)

