地道美语听力播客708: 试图找出某人(双语)
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    Carmen: Hi, I’m looking for Waldo. I was told that he comes in here from time to time. Have you seen him?


    Antonio: Waldo? I haven’t seen him in a while. He comes in sometimes, but it’s pretty hit-and-miss.


    Carmen: I can’t seem to pin him down. Every time I think I’m hot on his trail, I’m too late. He’s skipped town or has gone underground.


    Antonio: That’s Waldo. He’s the most elusive person I know. I think he actually enjoys playing a game of cat and mouse with people who are trying to locate him.


    Carmen: I’m starting to get that feeling. I’ve been trying to track him down for over two months.


    Antonio: He does seem to have a sixth sense and knows when to vanish.


    Carmen: I’m starting to think he doesn’t really exist and that he’s just a figment of my imagination.


    Antonio: It’s funny you should say that. I think his ultimate goal is to be invisible, just another face in the crowd.



    Carmen: Hi, I’m looking for Waldo. I was told that he comes in here from time to time. Have you seen him?

    Antonio: Waldo? I haven’t seen him in a while. He comes in sometimes, but it’s pretty hit-and-miss.

    Carmen: I can’t seem to pin him down. Every time I think I’m hot on his trail, I’m too late. He’s skipped town or has gone underground.

    Antonio: That’s Waldo. He’s the most elusive person I know. I think he actually enjoys playing a game of cat and mouse with people who are trying to locate him.

    Carmen: I’m starting to get that feeling. I’ve been trying to track him down for over two months.

    Antonio: He does seem to have a sixth sense and knows when to vanish.

    Carmen: I’m starting to think he doesn’t really exist and that he’s just a figment of my imagination.

    Antonio: It’s funny you should say that. I think his ultimate goal is to be invisible, just another face in the crowd.

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客707: 整洁与凌乱(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客709: 害怕生物恐怖袭击(双语)

