地道美语听力播客707: 整洁与凌乱(双语)
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    Carole: It is beyond me how you and Oscar can be roommates. You’re very tidy and he’s, well, a slob.


    Felix: It’s not always easy, but we’re making it work.


    Carole: Isn’t Oscar really messy all the time? Whenever I see him, his clothes are rumpled and his hair is unkempt.


    Felix: His room is really cluttered, but he keeps the common areas in passable condition. I do have to straighten up fairly often, and I sometimes have to pick up after him, but that’s because I’m pretty nitpicky.


    Carole: That’s very tolerant of you.


    Felix: Well, we have set up a system so that if things get too messy, I have some recourse.


    Carole: Really, what’s your system?


    Felix: Oscar and I agreed that every time he leaves a big mess, I can fine him.


    Carole: That seems kind of drastic, but maybe it works for you guys.


    Felix: Yeah, it keeps the place pretty clean.


    Carole: Still, knowing Oscar, you must have had to fine him a lot.


    Felix: Let’s just say that my next vacation will be in Monte Carlo!



    Carole: It is beyond me how you and Oscar can be roommates. You’re very tidy and he’s, well, a slob.

    Felix: It’s not always easy, but we’re making it work.

    Carole: Isn’t Oscar really messy all the time? Whenever I see him, his clothes are rumpled and his hair is unkempt.

    Felix: His room is really cluttered, but he keeps the common areas in passable condition. I do have to straighten up fairly often, and I sometimes have to pick up after him, but that’s because I’m pretty nitpicky.

    Carole: That’s very tolerant of you.

    Felix: Well, we have set up a system so that if things get too messy, I have some recourse.

    Carole: Really, what’s your system?

    Felix: Oscar and I agreed that every time he leaves a big mess, I can fine him.

    Carole: That seems kind of drastic, but maybe it works for you guys.

    Felix: Yeah, it keeps the place pretty clean.

    Carole: Still, knowing Oscar, you must have had to fine him a lot.

    Felix: Let’s just say that my next vacation will be in Monte Carlo!

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客706: 体育中的优势(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客708: 试图找出某人(双语)

