地道美语听力播客716: 策划婚礼(双语)
教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:522  
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    Seamus: What’s that?
    Cathy: It’s a planning book for our wedding.
    Seamus: We aren’t getting married for a year and a half.
    Cathy: I know, but there are so many things to plan. We have to book the hall far in advance, you know, and once we set the date, we have to send out save-the-date notifications to our friends and family.
    Seamus: I thought that the point of putting off the wedding until we finish school is to take the pressure off and allow us time to plan – later.
    Cathy: It is, but it’s never too early to start planning for a wedding. I’m meeting with a wedding coordinator next week to get the ball rolling.
    Seamus: A wedding coordinator?! We don’t need a wedding coordinator. We can make all of the arrangements ourselves.
    Cathy: You have no idea what goes into pulling off a wedding and reception. There are caterers, photographers and videographers, entertainers, ice sculptors, animal trainers (you know, for the swans and the doves), and...
    凯丝:你不知道怎样顺利完成婚礼以及招待客人。他们是酒席承办人、摄像师、录像人员、 表演人员、冰雕刻师、动物训练师(你知道,为了放天鹅和鸽子),还有……  
    Seamus: Are you serious?! You’re not planning a wedding. You’re starting a circus!


    Seamus: What’s that?

    Cathy: It’s a planning book for our wedding.

    Seamus: We aren’t getting married for a year and a half.

    Cathy: I know, but there are so many things to plan. We have to book the hall far in advance, you know, and once we set the date, we have to send out save-the-date notifications to our friends and family.

    Seamus: I thought that the point of putting off the wedding until we finish school is to take the pressure off and allow us time to plan – later.

    Cathy: It is, but it’s never too early to start planning for a wedding. I’m meeting with a wedding coordinator next week to get the ball rolling.

    Seamus: A wedding coordinator?! We don’t need a wedding coordinator. We can make all of the arrangements ourselves.

    Cathy: You have no idea what goes into pulling off a wedding and reception. There are caterers, photographers and videographers, entertainers, ice sculptors, animal trainers (you know, for the swans and thedoves), and...

    Seamus: Are you serious?! You’re not planning a wedding. You’re starting a circus!

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客715: 乘坐地铁(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客717: 不同的购物区(双语)

