地道美语听力播客751: 买卖传家宝(双语)
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    Anne: Where are you going with that? 
    Ivan: I’m taking this clock to an antique dealer. Rather than having it gather dust on the mantelpiece, I thought I’d get it appraised and maybe sell it. 
    Anne: You can’t sell that! It belonged to our grandfather. It’s a family heirloom
    Ivan: It’s not a family heirloom. It’s just a clock that Grandpa had in his house. He didn’t mean for it to be passed down from one generation to another. I don’t even know if it’s valuable or collectable. These clocks could be a dime a dozen
    Anne: But it’s valuable to me. It has sentimental value. As a little girl, I remember visiting Grandpa and seeing that clock on his shelf. If I had inherited it, I know I wouldn’t be looking to sell it to make a quick buck.
    Ivan: I’m not looking to make a quick buck, but what if Grandpa left it to me because he knew I would be able to put the money that it would fetch to good use
    Anne: Well, are you? Are you going to put the proceeds to good use? 
    Ivan: Sure, of course I am. 
    Anne: Are you going to tell me what you’re spending it on? 
    Ivan: Not on your life


    Anne: Where are you going with that? 

    Ivan: I’m taking this clock to an antique dealer. Rather than having it gather dust on the mantelpiece, I thought I’d get it appraised and maybe sell it. 

    Anne: You can’t sell that! It belonged to our grandfather. It’s a family heirloom

    Ivan: It’s not a family heirloom. It’s just a clock that Grandpa had in his house. He didn’t mean for it to be passed down from one generation to another. I don’t even know if it’s valuable or collectable. These clocks could be a dime a dozen

    Anne: But it’s valuable to me. It has sentimental value. As a little girl, I remember visiting Grandpa and seeing that clock on his shelf. If I had inherited it, I know I wouldn’t be looking to sell it to make a quick buck.

    Ivan: I’m not looking to make a quick buck, but what if Grandpa left it to me because he knew I would be able to put the money that it would fetch to good use

    Anne: Well, are you? Are you going to put the proceeds to good use? 

    Ivan: Sure, of course I am. 

    Anne: Are you going to tell me what you’re spending it on? 

    Ivan: Not on your life
      上一篇:地道美语听力播客750: 学校募捐人(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客752: 服用处方药(双语)

