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    Walt: What are you doing?

      沃尔特: 你在做什么?

      Francesca: I’m selecting and organizing my photos for a presentation.


      Walt: Oh, can I see? All of these photos are of feet!

      沃尔特: 哦?我能看看吗?这些都是关于脚的图片!

      Francesca: Well, I am a podiatrist and I’m giving a talk about foot conditions.

      弗朗西丝卡:嗯,我是一个足病医生, 我要做一场关于脚部问题的演讲。

      Walt: Ew, some of these are really disgusting!

      沃尔特: 额,一些图片真恶心!

      Francesca: You’re looking at some of the most common foot conditions: blisters, corns, bunions, calluses, and athlete’s foot.

      弗朗西丝卡:你现在看的是一些最常见的脚部疾病:水泡,鸡眼, 拇趾囊肿, 老茧,和 香港脚。

      Walt: What is that?

      沃尔特: 那是什么?

      Francesca: That’s an ingrown toenail and those are infected toenails.


      Walt: I’m really glad I don’t have either one of those problems.

      沃尔特: 真庆幸,这些疾病,我一个都没得。

      Francesca: You should be even happier you don’t have one of the more serious conditions such as fallen arches, a clubfoot, or arthritis in your feet.

      弗朗西丝卡:你应该更高兴,这些更严重的疾病,你也没有的,比如: 足弓下陷, 马蹄内翻足,或 关节炎 。

      Walt: But I do have one problem. Let me take these shoes off and show you.

      沃尔特: 可是我有一个问题,把这些拿走,我给你看看。

      Francesca: Pee-ew! I don’t even need to look at them to know you have very bad foot odor.

      弗朗西丝卡:哎呀,好臭! 我都不用看,就知道你有脚臭。

      Walt: What should I do?

      沃尔特: 我该怎么办?

      Francesca: Get some new shoes, keep them dry, and change your socks every day.


      Walt: Every day? You mean I have to own more than one pair?

      沃尔特: 每天?你是说我一双袜子不够?


      Walt: What are you doing?

      Francesca: I’m selecting and organizing my photos for a presentation.

      Walt: Oh, can I see? All of these photos are of feet!

      Francesca: Well, I am a podiatrist and I’m giving a talk about foot conditions.

      Walt: Ew, some of these are really disgusting!

      Francesca: You’re looking at some of the most common foot conditions: blisters, corns, bunions, calluses, and athlete’s foot.

      Walt: What is that?

      Francesca: That’s an ingrown toenail and those are infected toenails.

      Walt: I’m really glad I don’t have either one of those problems.

      Francesca: You should be even happier you don’t have one of the more serious conditions such as fallen arches, a clubfoot, or arthritis in your feet.

      Walt: But I do have one problem. Let me take these shoes off and show you.

      Francesca: Pee-ew! I don’t even need to look at them to know you have very bad foot odor.

      Walt: What should I do?

      Francesca: Get some new shoes, keep them dry, and change your socks every day.

      Walt: Every day? You mean I have to own more than one pair?

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客922:法院判决罪犯 下一篇:地道美语听力播客924:生活在社会边缘

