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    Carla: Why do those teenagers have to dress like that? Don’t they want to fit in?


      Donald: Maybe they feel marginalized and they’re showing their feelings of alienation through their clothes.

      唐纳德: 可能他们感觉被边缘化了,用穿着来表达他们的疏离感。

      Carla: That’s just a bunch of psychobabble. Nobody is treating them like second-class citizens. They’re choosing to set themselves apart, to make themselves outcasts.


      Donald: Maybe they don’t feel they have the same access and privileges that other people do because of social class, religious beliefs, or other factors.


      Carla: Nobody is shunning them. They choose to live on the fringe of society. They need to stop making themselves conspicuous and integrate into society.

      卡拉: 没人驱逐他们。他们选择生活在社会的边缘。他们不能再这么显眼了,得融入社会。

      Donald: What if they doubt they’d be accepted?


      Carla: That’s ridiculous.


      Donald: Would you want one of them as your neighbor?


      Carla: Well, I…well…


      Donald: I think I’ve proved my point.



      Carla: Why do those teenagers have to dress like that? Don’t they want to fit in?

      Donald: Maybe they feel marginalized and they’re showing their feelings of alienation through their clothes.

      Carla: That’s just a bunch of psychobabble. Nobody is treating them like second-class citizens. They’re choosing to set themselves apart, to make themselves outcasts.

      Donald: Maybe they don’t feel they have the same access and privileges that other people do because of social class, religious beliefs, or other factors.

      Carla: Nobody is shunning them. They choose to live on the fringe of society. They need to stop making themselves conspicuous and integrate into society.

      Donald: What if they doubt they’d be accepted?

      Carla: That’s ridiculous.

      Donald: Would you want one of them as your neighbor?

      Carla: Well, I…well…

      Donald: I think I’ve proved my point.


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