Democratic debate: 民主党辩论
Candidates: 参选人、候选人
To host a debate: 举办辩论
Hillary Clinton: 希拉里克林顿
Bernie Sanders: 博尼桑德斯
辩论Part I
In Sin City, it was show time for the Democrats. Deep inside a coco themed casino last night,Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders was cast in the role of capitalist refusenik.
Sin City: 赌城 (拉斯维加斯的别名)
Vermount: 福尔蒙特州,位于美国东北部,以左翼激进闻名
Senator: 参议院
Capitalist refusenik: 拒绝资本主意的斗士
Anderson Cooper: You don't consider yourself a capitalist.
Bernie Sanders: Do I consider myself part of the casino capitalist process by which so few haveso much and so many have so little? No, I don't. I believe in a society where all people do well.Not just a handful of billionaires.
So few have so much and so many have so little: 少数富人富得流油、多数百姓一无所有
Handful: 极少数的
辩论Part II
Reporter: The lineup said it all. Bernie to the left, former secretary of state Hillary Clintonsomewhere in the middle, facing accusation she doesn't know where she stands.
Lineup: 排列
Former: 曾经的
Secretary of State: 国务卿
Accusation: 指控
Anderson Cooper: just for the record, are you a progressive or are you a moderate?
Progressive: 激进派
Moderate: 温和派
Hillary Clinton: I'm a progressive. But I'm a progressive who likes to get things done. And Iknow how to find common ground and I know how to stand my ground.
To get things done: 能办成事的、有结果的
Find common ground: 找到共同点
Stand my ground: 坚持自己的意见
辩论Part III
Reporter: For the next 2 hours, they worked through the Democratic song sheet: immigration,income inequality, paid parental leave and climate change. Hillary Clinton took on her rivalover gun control.
Song sheet: 清单
Immigration: 移民
Income inequality: 收入不平等
Paid parental leave: 带薪产假
Climate change: 气候变化
Took over: 挑战
Rival: 竞争者、对手
Gun control: 枪支管理
辩论Part IIII
Anderson Cooper: Secretary Clinton, is Bernie Sanders tough enough on guns?
Tough: 强硬的
Hillary Clinton: No, not at all. This has gone on too long and it's time the entire country stoodup against the NRA.
To go on too long: 拖得太久
Stood up against...: 站起来抵抗...
NRA (National Rifle Association): 美国国家枪支协会
Anderson Cooper: Senator Sanders, your turn to be able to respond.
Bernie Sanders: we can raise our voices, but I come from a rural state. And the views on guncontrol in rural state are different than in urban states whether we like it or not.
Rural: 农村的、农业的
Urban: 城市的
辩论Part V
Reporter: While he equivocated on guns, senator Sanders pushed back on Wall Street.
Equivocated: 回避、躲避
Pushed back on: 抵抗
Bernie Sanders: in my view, secretary Clinton, Congress doesn't regulate Wall Street. WallStreet regulates Congress. And we've got to break off these banks.
Congress: 国会
Regulate: 监管
Wall Street: 华尔街