I think there is a real life lesson in that. After two or three years of discipline anddetermination and working out hard, I actually changed my body, and I changed my strength.And that told me something; that if I could change my body that much, and if I could changethe strength of my body that much, then I could also change anything else. I could change myhabits, I could change my intelligence, I could change my attitude, my mind, my future, my life.And this is exactly what I have done. I think that that lesson applies to people, and it alsoapplies to countries. You can change; China can change; everyone in the world can change.
My parents, of course, I have to tell you, didn't understand my dreams at all. They were alwayswondering. They said, "What is he doing? When are you going to get a job, a real job? Whenare you going to make money?" And all of those questions I got. And they said, "I hope wedidn't raise a hum, someone that doesn't make money and just wants to live in a gymnasiumand think about their bodies." Well, I endured all of this negative thinking, and the morenegative the thinking got, and the more negative the questions got, the stronger and themore positive I became, the stronger I became inside.
So of course some of your families maybe think the same way, and this is why I'm mentioningthat. Some of your families maybe don't believe in your drems. But let me tell you something,my young friends. Keep your dreams. No matter what, keep your dreams. Don't give up onthem, even when you temporarily defeated or denied. Keep your dreams.