The partnerships I've described do not eliminate theneed to take direct action when necessary to protectourselves
我说的以上这些合作关系并不意味着 美国在任何时候都没有采取直接行动进行自卫的必要
When we have actionable intelligence, that's what we do through capture operations like theone involved in the plot to bomb our embassies in 1998 to face justice
只要我们获得了足以采取行动的情报 我们就会行动 例如通过抓捕行动 将策划1998年我国使馆爆炸案的恐怖分子绳之以法
or drone strikes like those we've carried out in Yemen and Somalia
There are times when those actions are necessary and we cannot hesitate to protect ourpeople
有些时候 这些行动是必要的 我们需要毫不犹豫地保护我们的人民
But as I said last year in taking direct action we must uphold standards that reflect our values
不过去年我就说过 采取直接行动时 我们必须遵循自己的价值标准
That means taking strikes only when we face a continuing, imminent threat and only wherethere is near certainty of no civilian casualties
只有碰到持续且迫在眉睫的威胁时 我们才能采取打击 而且我们还需要确保打击不会造成任何平民伤亡
For our actions should meet a simple test:
We must not create more enemies than we take off the battlefield
我们绝对不能通过行动 树立起比往常更多的敌人
I also believe we must be more transparent about both the basis of our counterterrorismactions and the manner in which they are carried out
我还坚信 我们应当更加透明 让民众知道我们反恐行动的依据 以及实施行动的方式
We have to be able to explain them publicly whether it is drone strikes or training partners
我们需要公开解释这些行动 无论是无人机打击 还是训练合作伙伴
I will increasingly turn to our military to take the lead and provide information to the publicabout our efforts