中英之鉴 中式英语之鉴250
教程:中英之鉴  浏览:373  
  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
    [误] He is a friend of my father.

    [正] He is a friend of my father\'s.

    注:名词前面的属格,可代定冠词用,如 my brother\'s wife=the wife of my brother. 又 my brother\'s friends=(all) the friends of my brother. 如果不是指某一个特定的人或几个人时,则须用不定冠词 (a),那是不能用属格来代替的,即是用了属格,还得有不定冠词,但我们又不能说 my brother\'s a friend. 或 a my brother\'s friend,所以只好说 a friend of my brother\'s. 这种表现法所含有的意味是 a friend (that is) my brother\'s 或 one of my brother\'s friends. 这便是英语的双重属格的由来。

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