百科知识视频之煎蛋小学堂35 打雷时提高生存几率的秘诀 - 法拉第笼原理
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    If you get caught in the middle of a big,open field during a lightning storm,Which of the following uniforms would be most likely to keep you safe?A thick wetsuit;a superman costume;a medieval coat of armor;or a birthday suit?If you answered"medieval coat of armor,"you might be a little crazy-but you'd also be right.

    如果你在暴风雨中被困在了一个大空地的中央,下面那套衣服最可能让你活命?一套厚雨衣 超人外套 中世纪盔甲套装 还是一丝不挂?如果你说“中世纪盔甲套装”听上去可能有些疯狂 不过你是对的。

    You'd be crazy,of course,because lightning is much more likely to strike metal than to strike rubber,afbric,or bare skin.The reason is that lightning bolts are just long streams of fast-flowing electrons looking for the easiest path from point A to point B,and no everyday material provides an easier path than metal.So why would a material that lures lightning bolts keep you safe during a thunderstorm?

    当然 这的确很疯狂,因为与橡胶 布或者赤裸的皮肤相比 闪电更容易击中金属。这是因为闪电其实是一长束快速流动的电子 它寻找着从A点到B点的最易路径,常见的材料在制造最易路径上都比不上金属。那么为什么吸引闪电的材料 却能在暴风雨中让你更安全?

    Ironically,for the exact same reason it attracts the the lightning in the first place:Metal is a great conductor of electricity.Electrons glide so easily over metals that they barely penetrate into the surface.And if an electrical current happens to be moving over a hollow metal container,like a can or a box or even a welded coat of armor,the current won't reach the inside of the container.

    讽刺的是 亦正出于这个原因 它首先会吸引闪电:金属是电的良导体。电子在金属内部流动十分顺畅 它们很少穿到金属表面。如果电流恰好流过一个中空的金属容器,比如一个罐子 盒子甚至一套盔甲,电流并不会触及容器内部。

    Physicists call this kind of container a Faraday cage.Or,in the case of the steel-woven clothing worn by linemen working on high-voltage wires,a Faraday suit,In fact,your car is an everyday example of a Faraday cage,which is why,despite what you may have heard about rubber tires,it's actually the closed metal body surrounding you that keeps you safe.It channels lightning around,rather than through you.

    物理学家称这样的容器为 法拉第笼。或者 那些工作在高压线上的 布线工人身上穿的钢丝编织的衣服,法拉第服。实际上 你的车就是一个常见的法拉第笼,这就是为什么 即便你可能听说过橡胶轮胎的作用 但其实 正是你周围的钢铁骨架在保护你的安全。它将闪电导向周围 而不穿过你身体。

    Of course,if you're away from your car and get caught in an open field during a storm,chances are flim that you'll have a medieval coat of armor or high voltage line-suit handy.In that case,whether you're naked or in costume,your body unfortunately happens to be a better electrical conductor than both air and soil,so it provides a great shortcut for traveling current.

    当然 如果暴风雨来临时 你被困在空地 身边没有车,你手头也很可能有世纪盔甲或者高压服。在这种情况下 无论你穿没穿衣服,很不幸 你的身体恰巧比空气和土地的导电性更好,这就为流动的电流创造了良好的捷径。

    Stand upright,and you're the fastest route for a descending lightning bolt.Lie down,and you're the best path for current racing along the ground from a nearby strike.So the best thing to do is crouch low and keep your feet close together.Crouching low is obvious.But similarly important,when your feet are right next to each other,your legs don't make for much of a shortcut for the current to get from A to B.

    直立时 你成为了闪电劈下时的最快路径。躺下时 你是附近闪电击地时 电流流过地面 的最佳路径。最好的办法是蹲下身子 双脚尽量靠在一起。蹲下身子很好理解。但同样重要的是 当你的双脚紧靠在一起时,你的双脚并不会构成让电流从A点流到B点的捷径!

    And even if they are the best path for the lightning,when your feet are the only thing touching the ground,then the current will most likely travel up one leg and down the other,missing critical organs like your heart-something these cows couldn't avoid.

    同时 即使它是了闪电的最佳路径,在你仅用双脚接触地面的时候,电流很可能从一条腿流上去 再从另一条流下来,避开了心脏等关键器官 而牛却没法避免这种事。

    But,actually,the real best thing to do is avoid lightning altogether and head indoors when you spot a storm on the horizon.

    不过 其实 最好的方法是从根本上躲开闪电 在你看到远方的暴风雨时躲到室内。

      上一篇:百科知识视频之煎蛋小学堂34 便便的旅程 下一篇:百科知识视频之煎蛋小学堂36 冬奥精选 - 一夜啪啪啪,成绩节节高?


