百科知识视频之煎蛋小学堂36 冬奥精选 - 一夜啪啪啪,成绩节节高?
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    With over 100,000 condoms ordered in 2010 for the Vancouver Winter Olympics is obvious a little extra physical activity goes on during the games.But does these sexual excitement before competition influence an athlete's performance?Many ancient civilizations,including the Greeks,belive that Semen was divine and contained a man's strength.

    2010年温哥华冬奥会期间 消耗了十万多个安全套 显然 奥运期间 另一种运动也在上演。不过 赛前的性奋会影响选手的表现吗?包括希腊在内的许多古文明相信 神圣的精子内蕴含着男人的力量。

    Today,some athlete's hold the belief that sexual frustration driven by abstinence ultimately increases aggression,which is valuable for many sports,Testosterone,in particular,is responsible for aggression and sexual disire in both man and women,and there's long been the belife that ejaculation draws testosterone from the body.

    今天 许多运动员相信禁欲带来的性挫折 会让人更有侵犯性 这对很多运动来说十分可贵。特别的说 睾酮负责 男女性的攻击性及性欲,长期以来 有人相信射精时睾酮也会被带出来。

    Muhammad Ali,for example,wouldn't make love for 6 weeks before a fight.But,modern science sees things differently,In fact,many studies have shown the exact opposite.Testosterone increases after sex.Go without for three months,and testosterone drops to levels near that of a child,So,from a biological perspective,sex many actually increase performance particularly in sports where a bit of actual aggression could be the deciding factor,like ski cross,short track speed skating,or,of course,hockey.So,what about sex tiring the body out?

    比如 默罕默德。阿里在赛前6周内都不会做爱。不过 现代科学可不这么看。实际上 很多研究的结果恰恰相反。睾酮含量会在做爱时上升。三月不做爱 睾酮就会回到儿童的水平。因此 从生物学角度而言 做爱会提升表现 尤其在一些冲动能解决比赛结果的运动中,如趣味追逐赛 短道速滑 以及曲棍球。那么 做爱带来的疲倦呢?

    The honest truth is that the average sex session burns only about 50 calories.be equivalent of running up a few flats of stairs,On the contrary,studies have found that sex the night before,has no noticeable effects on strength,power,endurance or any other fitness variables.Though,sex has been documented to trigger the release of pain blockers in the brain.These can help modulate chronic pain with effects lasting upwards for 24 hours.

    真相在此 一次做爱只会消耗50卡路里能量。和爬几层楼梯差不多。相反 研究发现 比赛前一晚的“运动” 对力量 耐力及其他因素没有明显影响。不过 有记录称做爱可引发脑内分泌止疼素。这有助于调节慢性疼痛 效果可持续24小时。

    The biggest unknown lies in the psychological effects,which is much harder to study.and may actually play a bigger role in competition.An athlete's performance is achieved with the particular balance of alertness and anxiety.Of course,staying up all right chasing sexual escapades tips the scales again alertness the next day.

    最大的未知数还是心理影响 这方面研究要困难得多,同时会对比赛产生更显著影响。运动员的表现与警觉和焦虑的平衡息息相关。当然 爽翻天一整夜 会让天平在第二天中向警觉倾斜。

    On the other hand,sex can be a great stress release for nervous athletes,Well,other personalities simply desires more focus and concentration in which case a good night sleep is ideal.

    另一方面 做爱对紧张的运动员而言是极佳的放松方式。不过 也有人更需要集中注意力 好好睡一晚就可以了。

    At the end of the day,science says"It depends how sex affects each individual.If you need that extra kick of testosterone,then you might just wanna get you game on a night early."

    总而言之 科学告诉你 这取决于做爱对每个个体的影响。如果多点睾酮正合你意,那就早一晚开始“做运动”吧。

      上一篇:百科知识视频之煎蛋小学堂35 打雷时提高生存几率的秘诀 - 法拉第笼原理 下一篇:百科知识视频之煎蛋小学堂37 关于摩根弗里曼大叔的真相


