Every single day,the human race produces around 70 billion farts,meaning roughly 10 of those are yours!But why doesn't your gas seem half as smelly as those around you?Why do we like the smell of our own farts?
Hilarious as it may seem,scientists have actually confirmed the fact that in blind-smell tests,we truly do find our own smells much more appealing than others.Simply put,the more familiar you are with something,whether it be a song.picture or even a smell,the more likely you are to prefer it.And because the bacterial population in your body producing these smells is completely unique from every other individual,our farts truly have a one-of-a-kind brand that your nose can differentiate.
听起来很可笑 不过科学家已证实,在气味盲测中 我们的确更偏爱自己放屁的气味。简单说 你越是熟悉某个东西,无论是音乐 图片还是气味 你就越可能喜欢它。另外 由于你身体内产生气味的 细菌同其他人体内的完全不同,对于鼻子而言 我们自己放的屁的确“独一无二”。
But,from an evolutionary perspective,our reaction of disgust to other people's odour is likely our brains'attempt to prevent us from doing harm to our own bodies;specifically interacting with sources of disease.When you think of it,most things that don't smell good,aren't good for you.And the greater the risk of disease,the more intense your response will be.
但是 从进化角度而言,我们对他人屁味的厌恶也许是大脑在 防止我们伤害自己;尤其是与病源接触。想想看 大多数不好闻的东西都不是好东西。事物致病性越高 你的反应就会越剧烈。
Surprising as it may seem,farts can spread disease.In fact,there are many reported cases of farts spreading Streptococcus pyogenes,a pathogen that can cause tonsillitis and scarlet fever,heart disease and even flesh eating disease.Seriously,the pathogen is expelled as fecal matter or poop particles in the air.Of course,this was a major concern for our ancestors who ran around naked,but for us underwear or pant wearing folks,farts don't pose a real threat.
让人惊讶的是 屁也能传播疾病。实际上 关于屁传播酿脓链球菌的事例有很多,这种病菌可造成扁桃体炎 猩红热,心脏病 甚至噬肉细菌疾病。这种病原体可随粪便物或粪便颗粒扩散至空气。当然 对于光屁股到处跑的祖先而言 这是个大问题,但是 屁并不会威胁到穿内裤和裤子的我们。
And it's important that we've adapted to like our own odors,so that we can maintain proper hygiene.In the same way,mothers perceive their biological children's poop as less offensive than others,which allows them to take care of them without disgust.Of course,some of you may be thinking "I don't find farts disgusting at all"and you're not alone.
还有一点 我们已适于热衷自己的气味,并籍此保持卫生 同样地,母亲对自己孩子便便的反感比对他人更低,因此 她们才能全心全意地照料孩子。当然 一些人会想 我才不讨厌屁味呢 你不是一个人。
Perception of disgust is a combination of variables like age,gender,culture and even personality.So much so,that people who are more anxious or socially conservative are often more sensitive to stink than their adventure seeking friends.The anterior cingulate cortex,which processes surprise,also plays a big role.When we fart we know it,and can anticipate the accompanying smell.
对厌恶的感知与多种因素 比如 年龄 性别 文化甚至性格有关。以至于 那些更焦虑 社交上更保守的人 比热衷冒险的同伴更在乎臭味。处理诧异的前扣带皮层也发挥着重要作用。要放屁时 我们自己会知道 并对随后的毒气弹有所准备。
But when somebody rips a silent but deadly fart into a crowded room,the brains expectations of reality are smashed by the negative stimulus,making it all seem even more foul.So next time you feel a silent stinker coming on,you might want to give everyone a heads up.Unless of course,you're alone,then you can bask in the glory of your own stench.
但当某人在拥挤房间内抛出无声毒气弹时 大脑会认为 周围处处是危险,使得屁味臭上加臭。下次投无声毒气弹时,你最好和周围他人打个招呼。除非 只有左姑娘陪着你 那你还是在芳香中自我陶醉吧。