The little scar in the middle of your abdomen marks the place where,for about nine glorious months,all the nutrients you needed to grow and develop and survive flowed straight into your bloodstream,while you just floated around in a sac of amniotic fluid.
你腹中央的那道小伤疤就是,那九个光荣岁月里,你赖以生存成长的所有的营养素 直接流入你血液的地方 而你仅仅漂浮羊膜的液体中。
But have you ever wondered what was going on with your other bodily functions,while you were in that enclosed space?To put it a little more bluntly.did you,you know,pee and poop in there? The answer to question #1 is yes,definitely:embryos start peeing after just two months of development.around the time they first begin swallowing-and,therefore,drinking-amniotic fluid.
但你是否想过 当你处在这个封闭的空间内时 身体的其他部分发生了什么?更直白点说 你有没有在那里尿尿和便便?对第一个问题的答案是 当然:刚发育两个月的胚胎就已开始尿尿了,和他们第一次开始吞咽的时间大致相同 那么 他们必然会喝羊水。
This does essentially mean that fetuses spend seven months drinking their own pee,but that's actually not as gross as it sounds.
For one thing,urine-unlike feces-is sterile,so it doesn't contain bacteria that could make the fetus sick.Also,the waste products we normally get rid of by urinating,like excess nitrogen,are instead filtered from the fetus and delivered,through the umbilical cord,back to the mother for disposal.And what about the waste we normally get rid of by pooping?
首先 与便便不同的是 尿是无菌的 它并不含可导致胚胎生病的细菌。同时 我们通常靠尿排出体外的废物,比如多余的氮 被胚胎过滤 通过脐带,运送到母亲的体内 进而排出体外。那么 我们通常通过便便排泄的废物呢?
Well,mom takes care of that,too-indirectly.She digests food before it gets to the baby.absorbing nutrients like sugar and protein into her bloodstream and then passing those nutrients to her fetus through the umbilical cord.So most of the potential poop products stay with the mother.The fetus's digestive system isn't totally empty,though:some waste does go there and get broken down by acidic bile in the small intestines,producing a slimy,sticky greenish mass called meconium.
哦 母亲也一样照顾到了 不过是间接地。食物到达婴儿前 母亲先做初步消化,将糖类 蛋白质等营养物质吸收到自己血液内 之后通过脐带将这些营养物质传给婴儿。因此 大多数“致便物”仍留在母亲体内。而胚胎的消化系统中并非什么也没有:一些废物会到达那里 被小肠内的胆汁酸分解,产生黏糊样的 粘粘的物质 胎便。
But,unlike the large intestine of everyone outside a womb.a fetus's large intestine is mostly sterile and devoid of the billions of bacteria that break down our waste,and make up as much as 50% of the brown pulp known as feces.So the green,sticky mass that forms in a fetus's small intestines eventually becomes a green,sticky,and mostly bacteria-free mass inside the baby's first dirty diaper.
但是 和每个脱离子宫的人的大肠不同的是,胚胎的大肠内几乎是无菌的 没有数十亿细菌来分解体内产生的废物 同时组成了50%的屎黄色的黏黏排泄物 便便。那么 在胚胎小肠内形成的绿色粘稠物 最终成为了绿油油的 粘粘的 几乎无菌的物质 并驻留在宝宝第一个尿布里。
And in a way,it's the first-and last-clean poop in anyone's life.
同时 这也是人生命中第一泼 也是最后一泼干净的便便。