The universe is expanding.So does that mean there's a center from which everything is stretching outwards? I mean,it LOOKS like the center is here,because this point didn't move when we scaled.But we could just as easily have watched the scaling from this star,or this one,and they each"look"like the center.
宇宙正在扩张。这是否就意味着存在一个中心 以此为点 所有事物都在向外延伸呢?我的意思是 看上去中心在这里,因为当我们进行度量时 这点并未移动。但是我们也可以轻易地把观测点移到这里,或者这里 它们“看”上去像是中心。
In fact,ANY time you scale anything up or down,there's no real center to the scaling.I mean,this square was clearly scaled up from its center... I mean,its corner.I mean,that point over there.The,sure there may be points that stay in the same place because of your frame of reference,which is why it appears to us as if the earth is the center of the expansion of the universe,but to someone in the Andromeda Galaxy it would appear that THEY were the center of the expansion.
实际上 每当你把东西放大或缩小时,放大中心是不存在的。我的意思是 很明显这个正方形是从中间放大的......哦 还有角落。额 还有那里的一个点。这个点...实际上,当然会有在原地停留不动的点 这是你的参考系造成的,这也是为什么我们看上去地球像是 宇宙扩张的中心,但是对织女星系的某位来说 看上去 他们才是扩张的中心。
In short,if you're too close-minded to view the universe from different perspectives,it's easy to think you're at the center of the universe.Maybe that's the universe's way of making us all feel special?But really,we're not.
长话短说 如果你思想太封闭 不愿从不同的角度观察宇宙,你很容易会觉得自己是宇宙的中心。可能这就是宇宙让我们感受到自己与众不同的方式?但实际上 我们并不特别。