CARL AZUZ, HOST: Thanks for watching CNN STUDENT NEWS, your commercial-free source for current events.
I`m Carl Azuz at the CNN Center.
我是Carl Azuz,在CNN中心为您播报新闻。
Today is a deadline for an international agreement involving a controversial nuclear program.
On one side of the table, the Middle Eastern nation of Iran. It insists its nuclear program is for civilian power and other peaceful purposes.
Members of the international community are concerned it could be used to make nuclear weapons.
On the other side of the table, the U.S., the U.K., China, France, Germany and Russia. They`re considering lifting economic penalties, sanctions on Iran, if it puts a hold on its nuclear program.
But as of last night, there were some hang-ups in the negotiations.
One, how quickly will Iran be allowed to develop its nuclear program after 10 years?
How quickly will other countries lift their sanctions?
And if Iran breaks the deal, will the sanctions be put back in place?
We`ll update you on whether an agreement is reached.
CARL AZUZ, HOST: Thanks for watching CNN STUDENT NEWS, your commercial-free source for current events.
I`m Carl Azuz at the CNN Center.
Today is a deadline for an international agreement involving a controversial nuclear program.
On one side of the table, the Middle Eastern nation of Iran. It insists its nuclear program is for civilian power and other peaceful purposes.
Members of the international community are concerned it could be used to make nuclear weapons.
On the other side of the table, the U.S., the U.K., China, France, Germany and Russia. They`re considering lifting economic penalties, sanctions on Iran, if it puts a hold on its nuclear program.
But as of last night, there were some hang-ups in the negotiations.
One, how quickly will Iran be allowed to develop its nuclear program after 10 years?
How quickly will other countries lift their sanctions?
And if Iran breaks the deal, will the sanctions be put back in place?
We`ll update you on whether an agreement is reached.