CARL AZUZ, HOST: Welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS, commercial-free current events for middle and high school classrooms.
This Wednesday, April 8, we`re starting with news involving the U.S. and Cuba. Along with Iran, Sudan and Syria, Cuba is on the U.S. government`s list of countries that sponsor terrorism. It`s been on that list since 1982 because Cuba`s government was helping communist rebels in Latin America and Africa.
But last year, President Obama announced the U.S. would work toward normalizing relations with Cuba, toward breaking down barriers from the cold war.
Cuba wants off the terrorism sponsor list. And the U.S. State Department is considering recommending that. U.S. officials say President Obama is still concerned about Cuba`s record on human rights and Cuban officials have warned the U.S. not to meddle with their government.
CARL AZUZ, HOST: Welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS, commercial-free current events for middle and high school classrooms.
This Wednesday, April 8, we`re starting with news involving the U.S. and Cuba. Along with Iran, Sudan and Syria, Cuba is on the U.S. government`s list of countries that sponsor terrorism. It`s been on that list since 1982 because Cuba`s government was helping communist rebels in Latin America and Africa.
But last year, President Obama announced the U.S. would work toward normalizing relations with Cuba, toward breaking down barriers from the cold war.
Cuba wants off the terrorism sponsor list. And the U.S. State Department is considering recommending that. U.S. officials say President Obama is still concerned about Cuba`s record on human rights and Cuban officials have warned the U.S. not to meddle with their government.