B:What is it?
A:You know our transaction involves frozen chickens; we have to make sure that the sanitary standards are up to the requirements of the British Government.
B:Mr. Li. our inspection bureau will issue a veterinary inspection certificate to show that the shipment is in conformity with export standards.
A:我只想确定一下你们的标准是否和我们的一致, 不知道能不能由我方派一名兽医看看你们的厂。
A: Just to make sure that your standards are the same as ours.Mr. King.l wonder if it's possible for one of our vets to inspect your factories.
B: I am sorry. That's never been done before. However. if you. Mr.Li.as the representative of your firm, wish to visit one of our factories , it can probably be arranged.
A:谢谢,金先生。除了您刚才提到的那个证明之 外,再出一个证明,证明货物没有受到放射线污染,行不行?您知道,我们一些顾客对这一 点很敏感。
A : Thank you.Mr. King. In additon to the certificate you mentioned. could we have another one showing the goods to be free from radioactive contamination7 You see . some of our clients are very sensitive about this.
B: Your request is understandable. Well, l'II get in touch with the inspection bureau and see what they have to say.
A:非常感谢。不过还有最后一点,我们希望每个 证书都有法文本。
A:That would be very kind of you. One last thing.however.is that we would like to have a copy of each of the certificates in French.
B: 一艘来说,我们的证明书是用中文和英文的。
B:As a rule .our certificates are made out in Chinese and English.
A:Oh.l see. A copy in English would do as well. And the certificate will be signed by the commissioner of your bureau.l take it.
B:Our certificates are made valid through the official seal and personal chip of the commissioner.
A:I see. Well.thanks for everything.
B:Don't mention it. Glad to have been helpful.