Writing a business model is a simplified business plan.
A business model is an overview of your company.
It's not a breakdown in a detail like a business plan, it's a model.
One, it has basically seven to ten different sections which include your income,...
...which include your expenses,...
...include things like marketing, potential customers,...
...what you're working on now,...
...what you're looking for,...
...what you're gonna need for capital for your business,...
...where you wanna go with it, and who you wanna approach with your business.
A model can be as simple as using somebody else's plan and modifying it to fit your business...
...or developing it from the ground up.
Business model is an overview,...
...it's a model of your business,...
...what you want your business to look like,...
...where you envision your business going.
If you need any more information on this subject or any other subject in the business field,...
...my e-mail address is jniemira@gmail.com
Hi, my name is John Niemira...