Lawmakers in the United States are considering financial reform legislation for large institutions.
Among the ideas being considered is to set up an oversight council.
One that would identify and monitor the so-called, "Too Big to Fail" enterprises.
Large firms such as Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo...
...would be subjected to greater regulation.
It'll be a series of different yardsticks that have to do with their assets...
...and their liabilities.
And it'll be the relationship between those two.
And it'll be the kinds of assets they have,...
...and the kinds of liabilities they have.
The largest institutions worth tens of billions of dollars...
..might be asked to contribute to a federal dissolution fund,...
...that would be used for potential future financial firm bailouts.
And those institutions might be asked to keep more money in their reserves.
Another idea under consideration would give regulators the ability... dismantle large financial groups,...
...that might be in trouble or are on the verge of collapse.
Such has happened to Lehman Brothers, and insurer American International Group.
John Maggs covers the economy and taxes for the National Journal.
Think of it as a kind of, you know, bankruptcy process for financial firms.
There was no such procedure in place during this recent crisis,... they were making it up as they went along.