Hello, I’m Iain Purdon with the BBC News.
The Danish Prime Minister Las Loekke Rasmussen has said that force will not be used against migrants who are trying to travel through his country to seek asylum in Sweden. The Danish national railway company cancelled all train services to and from Germany on Thursday after a standoff developed between police and hundreds of migrants. N B reports from Copenhagen.
NB 在哥本哈根报道
The head of Denmark’s national police force said officers were facing a special challenge because refugees who arrived in the country wanted nothing to do with the authorities and wished to carry on to Sweden. Migrants leaving Germany are choosing Sweden over Denmark because the Danes have recently slashed benefits for new arrivals by about 15% and have restricted the right of family reunification and residency. According to Danish police, the Germans have now promised not to send any more refugees across the border unless they want to seek asylum in Denmark.
The Hungarian army has started military exercises to prepare for a possible future role guarding the country’s southern border to prevent the entry of migrants and refugees. The Prime Minister Viktor Orban has promised to introduce strict new border controls.
匈牙利军队为了履行可能将要在南部边境线阻止难民的进入的职责开始了军事演习.首相首相Viktor Orban承诺引入采取严格的边境管制。
After weeks of protest, the government in Lebanon has finally agreed a plan to resume the collection of rubbish in streets of the capital Beirut. B L reports.
Lebanon’s largest landfill site shut in July. When the government seemed unable to agree on another site, the rubbish went uncollected and public protests begun. The demonstrators have been angry at the political system they see as corrupt and inefficient. The slogan they directed at authority was simple: You stink! Now the cabinet has approved the proposal by the agriculture minister to resolve the crisis. Two new temporary landfills will be created and town councils are to take on responsibility for waste management.
The head of NATO says he’s concerned about reports that Russia is increasing its military presence in Syria. Jens Stoltenberg said it will not help solve the conflict. In recent weeks, there have been signs that Russia could be intensifying its role in Syria.
北约首脑称他关注了俄罗斯不断对叙利亚施加军事压力的报道。斯托尔滕 贝格表示,这并不会帮助解决冲突。最近几周,已经有迹象表明,俄罗斯可能会加强对叙利亚的作为。
The government of Ecuador has started proceedings to shut down Fundamedios, the country’s one remaining press freedom group. Our Americans editor reports.
Critics say Ecuador’s new media law is among the region’s most repressive. The director of Fundamedios Cesar Ricuarte said his organization has been targeted because it’d reported physical attacks on journalists and curves on press freedom. Last year, four newspapers in Ecuador closed because of what they said was pressure from the government. But President Rafael Correa has defended his approach to free speech, saying private newspaper, radio and TV owners have been abusing their powers.
厄瓜多尔政府已经开始了关于关闭Fundamedios的诉讼程序,这是一个国家的残留的自由组织。来自美国编辑的报道。评论家称这一新的传媒法是所有国家里最苛刻的了。Fundamedios的主任Cesar Ricuarte说,他的组织被定为诉讼的目标是因为他们的记者受到了攻击以及其曲线自由播报新闻的方式。去年,厄瓜多尔的四家报纸关闭了,他们称关闭原因是来自政府的压力。但总统拉斐尔•科雷亚称自己捍卫了的言论自由,并认为私人报纸、广播和电视的主人一直在滥用他们的权力。
World news from the BBC.
The leaders of Ukraine, Russia, France and Germany say a truce in Eastern Ukraine between government forces and pro-Russian rebels has been generally respected since the beginning of September. In a communique issued out for a conference call, the four leaders called for the role of the OICE’s special observer mission in East Ukraine to be strengthened. A ceasefire deal was agreed in the Belarusian capital Minsk in February, but there have been regular outbreaks of fighting.
乌克兰、俄罗斯、法国和德国的领导人在乌克兰东部达成亲俄罗斯的叛乱分子和政府军之间休战的共识,自9月初以来得到普遍认可。在一次电话会议中, 四个领导人发布的一份寻求特殊观察者的角色的任务在乌克兰东部得以加强。一月份停火协议在白俄罗斯首都明斯克签署,但是一些交火时有发生。
The French business conglomerate has announced it’s spending nearly half a billion dollars on upgrading Israel service which links Ivory Coast to Burkina Faso. The Ivorian Prime Minister says the improved service will help economic growth by increasing trade the hinterland and the commercial capital Abidjan.
The ratings agency Standard&Poor’s has downgraded Brazil to junk status as the government tries to deal with growing debt and continuing political turmoil. Daniel Galas is our business correspondent.
There are two reasons that were alluded by Standard&Poor’s. They spoke of a deterioration of Brazil’s fiscal position so that the economic problems. Basically, Brazil has spent too much money in the past and is running out of money. But there is also the political sign which Standard&Poor’s says there is a further lack of cohesion within the President’s cabinet. What they mean by that is that President Dilma Rousseff is losing support from her allies in Congress and from some people inside her government as well.
Firefighters in the state of Arizona are battling a large blaze in the city of Phoenix at the site understood contain hazardous chemicals. Reports spoke of a series of explosions and a number of storage tanks were said to be on fire. But a hundred people were evacuated.
BBC news.
Hello, I’m Iain Purdon with the BBC News.
The Danish Prime Minister Las Loekke Rasmussen has said that force will not be used against migrants who are trying to travel through his country to seek asylum in Sweden. The Danish national railway company cancelled all train services to and from Germany on Thursday after a standoff developed between police and hundreds of migrants. N B reports from Copenhagen.
The head of Denmark’s national police force said officers were facing a special challenge because refugees who arrived in the country wanted nothing to do with the authorities and wished to carry on to Sweden. Migrants leaving Germany are choosing Sweden over Denmark because the Danes have recently slashed benefits for new arrivals by about 15% and have restricted the right of family reunification and residency. According to Danish police, the Germans have now promised not to send any more refugees across the border unless they want to seek asylum in Denmark.
The Hungarian army has started military exercises to prepare for a possible future role guarding the country’s southern border to prevent the entry of migrants and refugees. The Prime Minister Viktor Orban has promised to introduce strict new border controls.
After weeks of protest, the government in Lebanon has finally agreed a plan to resume the collection of rubbish in streets of the capital Beirut. B L reports.
Lebanon’s largest landfill site shut in July. When the government seemed unable to agree on another site, the rubbish went uncollected and public protests begun. The demonstrators have been angry at the political system they see as corrupt and inefficient. The slogan they directed at authority was simple: You stink! Now the cabinet has approved the proposal by the agriculture minister to resolve the crisis. Two new temporary landfills will be created and town councils are to take on responsibility for waste management.
The head of NATO says he’s concerned about reports that Russia is increasing its military presence in Syria. Jens Stoltenberg said it will not help solve the conflict. In recent weeks, there have been signs that Russia could be intensifying its role in Syria.
The government of Ecuador has started proceedings to shut down Fundamedios, the country’s one remaining press freedom group. Our Americans editor / reports.
Critics say Ecuador’s new media law is among the region’s most repressive. The director of Fundamedios Cesar Ricuarte said his organization has been targeted because it’d reported physical attacks on journalists and curves on press freedom. Last year, four newspapers in Ecuador closed because of what they said was pressure from the government. But President Rafael Correa has defended his approach to free speech, saying private newspaper, radio and TV owners have been abusing their powers.
World news from the BBC.
The leaders of Ukraine, Russia, France and Germany say a truce in Eastern Ukraine between government forces and pro-Russian rebels has been generally respected since the beginning of September. In a communique issued out for a conference call, the four leaders called for the role of the OICE’s special observer mission in East Ukraine to be strengthened. A ceasefire deal was agreed in the Belarusian capital Minsk in February, but there have been regular outbreaks of fighting.
The French business conglomerate has announced it’s spending nearly half a billion dollars on upgrading Israel service which links Ivory Coast to Burkina Faso. The Ivorian Prime Minister says the improved service will help economic growth by increasing trade the hinterland and the commercial capital Abidjan.
The ratings agency Standard&Poor’s has downgraded Brazil to junk status as the government tries to deal with growing debt and continuing political turmoil. Daniel Galas is our business correspondent.
There are two reasons that were alluded by Standard&Poor’s. They spoke of a deterioration of Brazil’s fiscal position so that the economic problems. Basically, Brazil has spent too much money in the past and is running out of money. But there is also the political sign which Standard&Poor’s says there is a further lack of cohesion within the President’s cabinet. What they mean by that is that President Dilma Rousseff is losing support from her allies in Congress and from some people inside her government as well.
Firefighters in the state of Arizona are battling a large blaze in the city of Phoenix at the site understood contain hazardous chemicals. Reports spoke of a series of explosions and a number of storage tanks were said to be on fire. But a hundred people were evacuated.
BBC news.