I've noticed something interesting about society and culture.Everything risky requires a license.So, learning to drive, owning a gun, getting married.There's a certain --That's true ineverything risky, except technology.For some reason, there's no standard syllabus,there's no basic course.
They just sort of give you your computer and then kick you out of the nest.You're supposed to learn this stuff -- how?Just by osmosis.Nobody ever sits down and tells you, "This is how it works."So today I'm going to tell you ten thingsthat you thought everybody knew, but it turns out they don't.
他们只是给你一台电脑然后把你赶出鸟窝。你应该学会这些。怎样学?就像osmosis所说,没人会坐下来 告诉你,“这是怎样一回事”。所以,今天我准备告诉你10件事情。你认为每个人知道,但实际上他们不知道。
First of all, on the web, if you want to scroll down,don't pick up the mouse and use the scroll bar.That's a terrible waste of time.Do that only if you're paid by the hour.Instead, hit the space bar.The space bar scrolls down one page.Hold down the Shift key to scroll back up again.
So, space bar to scroll down one page; works in every browser,in every kind of computer.Also on the web, when you're filling in one of these forms like your addresses,I assume you know that you can hit the Tab keyto jump from box to box to box.But what about the pop-up menu where you put in your state?
Don't open the pop-up menu.That's a terrible waste of calories.Type the first letter of your state over and over and over.So if you want Connecticut, go, C, C, C.If you want Texas, go T, T, and you jump right to that thingwithout even opening the pop-up menu.
Also on the web, when the text is too small,what you do is hold down the Control key and hit plus, plus, plus.You make the text larger with each tap.Works on every computer, every web browser,or minus, minus, to get smaller again.If you're on the Mac, it might be Command instead.
When you're typing on your Blackberry, Android, iPhone,don't bother switching layouts to the punctuation layoutto hit the period and then a space,then try to capitalize the next letter.Just hit the space bar twice.The phone puts the period, the space, and the capital for you.Go space, space.It is totally amazing.
Also when it comes to cell phones, on all phones,if you want to redial somebody that you've dialed before,all you have to do is hit the call button,and it puts the last phone number into the box for you,and at that point you can hit call again to actually dial it.No need to go to the recent calls list if you're trying to call somebodyjust hit the call button again.
Something that drives me crazy:When I call you and leave a message on your voice mail,I hear you saying, "Leave a message,"and then I get these 15 seconds of freaking instructions,like we haven't had answering machines for 45 years!I'm not bitter.So it turns out there's a keyboard shortcutthat lets you jump directly to the beep like this.
Phone: At the tone, please...(Beep)David Pogue: Unfortunately, the carriers didn't adoptthe same keystroke, so it's different by carrier,so it devolves upon you to learn the keystrokefor the person you're calling.I didn't say these were going to be perfect.David Pogue:
So most of you think of Googleas something that lets you look up a web page,but it is also a dictionary.Type the word "define" and the word you want to know.You don't even have to click anything.There's the definition as you type.It's also a complete FAA database.
Type the name of the airline and the flight.It shows you where the flight is, the gate, the terminal,how long until it lands.You don't need an app.It's also unit and currency conversion.Again, you don't have to click one of the results.Just type it into the box, and there's your answer.
While we're talking about text --When you want to highlight --this is just an example --When you want to highlight a word,please don't waste your life dragging across itwith the mouse like a newbie.Double click the word.Watch "200" -- I go double-click,it neatly selects just that word.
Also, don't delete what you've highlighted.You can just type over it.This is in every program.Also, you can go double-click, drag,to highlight in one-word increments as you drag.Much more precise.Again, don't bother deleting.Just type over it.Shutter lag is the time between your pressing the shutter buttonand the moment the camera actually snaps. It's extremely frustrating on any camera under $1,000.
So, that's because the camera needs time to calculate the focus and exposure,but if you pre-focus with a half-press,leave your finger down --no shutter lag!You get it every time.I've just turned your $50 camera into a $1,000 camera with that trick.And finally, it often happens that you're giving a talk,and for some reason, the audience is looking at the slideinstead of at you!
So when that happens -- this works in Keynote, PowerPoint,it works in every program -- all you do is hit the letter B key,B for blackout, to black out the slide, make everybody look at you,and then when you're ready to go on,you hit B again,and if you're really on a roll, you can hit the W key for "whiteout,"and you white out the slide,and then you can hit W again to un-blank it.
所以,当出现这样的情况时,比如在Keynote, PowerPoint,这个方法都有效的,你所要做的就是按下字母B键,黑掉幻灯片。黑掉它。这让每个人都关注你。然后当你准备继续,你再按下B键,接着如果你真很顺利的话,你可以按W键,让屏幕全白。你这样子做了,然后你可以再按下W键,恢复回来。
So I know I went super fast.If you missed anything, I'll be happy to send you the list of these tips.In the meantime, congratulations.You all get your California Technology License.
Have a great day.